Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sputnik — ‘Keeps Me Up at Night’: US Navy Secretary Warns China Is ‘Weaponizing Capital’

Leaders of the two US military branches have warned that China is “weaponizing capital” - buying strategically valuable land from other countries to give themselves a military edge to “win without fighting.”

During a House of Representatives Appropriations Defense Subcommittee hearing on Thursday, US Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer told lawmakers that the issue of Chinese land purchases "keeps me up at night."
"When it comes to China, the bottom line there is the checkbook," he said. "Not only in the dollars and cents that they are writing to support their military expansion and their technological work, but what they're doing around the globe… weaponizing capital."
Welcome to capitalism! What did you think imperialism/colonialism and neo-imperialism/neocolonialism  are about anyway? Where did you think China got the idea?  Duh.

Sputnik International
‘Keeps Me Up at Night’: US Navy Secretary Warns China Is ‘Weaponizing Capital’


Matt Franko said...

They would parachute in troops to cut our lawns for $20 a pop...

lastgreek said...

The geo-political jargon for this is "soft power." Btw, I hear the Iranians are into this too.

Now, what's keeping the US from trying it sometime?

Tom Hickey said...

Another instance of "it's OK when we do it because we are the good guys. But it's not OK when others do it because they are the bad guys."

Kaivey said...

I have a video about depleted uranium to put out. It's interesting how propaganda works, because it is easy to demonise the enemy as people are naturally suspicious of foreigners. So China and Russia are depicted as the Great Satan, but who goes around the world using drones to murder people but kill nine other innocent people at the same time? Who firebombed whole continents killing millions of people? Who uses depleted uranium harming their own troops as well killing the enemy, but also contaminating the land so that local people ends up with deformed children? But people in the West don't see that as evil, that their own is the true Great Satan. And the capitalist system robs them everyday, while their lives evolve around work. They are brainwashed.

Matt Franko said...

"Who uses depleted uranium "

It can penetrate the thick armour of tanks, LAVS, etc...

"Uranium is "pyrophoric": at the point of impact it burns away into vapour, so the projectile stays sharp. When it breaks through, the burning DU turns the inside of a vehicle into an inferno of white-hot gas and sparks."

Tom Hickey said...

Similar in effect to napalm and thermobaric weapons, but depleted uranium shells have high negative externality, like Agent Orange. They pollute the environment for years.